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ColoR Of Success

Black History Month Exhibition 2016

                      (February 2nd-29th)

         Artist Statement

As a young African American woman, every time I come across an artwork, a post on social media, or any other cultural venues that portray African American history, I usually see the majority of it is concentrated on civil rights, slavery, and other struggles that African Americans have dealt with.


I ask myself “Why are we still mentally stuck on the past struggles when we have gotten so far? How come nobody focuses on what we as people of color have accomplished successfully?


The purpose of this theme “Color Of Success” is to educate others about the accomplishments of African Americans that are not being brought to light for people to know and to show people of color not be focused on the struggles but to enlighten them about how much the world has been impacted by what has been created by their fellow people. Yes, what happened in the past was hurtful, but the past should not determine the future unless you allow it.  

                                 Artwork in  Exhibition  

                                  (click on image for full view and description)


Highlights from Exhibition Reception

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